Creating a service without service-builder

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Create your service-project:
1) Create new Liferay-Portlet project
2) clear porlet.xml.

<portlet-app version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemalocation="">


2) create a service.xml file in docroot/WEB-INF

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
< !DOCTYPE service-builder PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder 6.2.0//EN" "" >
< service-builder package-path="test" >
 < author >test< /author >
 < namespace >test< /namespace >
 < exceptions >

 < /exceptions >
< /service-builder >

3) Right click on service.xml and choose „Liferay - build services“. Service-Builder will create a directory „service“
4)Open project-properties ans choose the „service“-directory as additional source directory
5) All your service-packages and classes should now be created in this directory. choose „Liferay à build services“ or run ant-task „build-service“ and you will get your service-jar in „EB-INF\lib

Deploy your Service:
Choose among three options:
A) Modify your Portlets and declare your service-project as required-deployment-context. When building your service-jar and afterwars building your portel, a copy of service-jar will be copied to your portlets WEB-INF/lib folder. In addition you have to deploy your service  to Liferay.

1.You can modify your service and rebuilt service and portlet without restarting your application server.
1. You also have to deploy vour service, otherweise your portlet will not be deployed because of a missing deployment-context
2.Each portlet using your your service will have a seperate service-instance

B) Copy your service.jar to tomcat-x.x.xx\lib\ext

1. All  portlets using your your service will share one service-instance
2. When modifying your service you have to copy a new service-jar to your application server and restart it

C) Copy your service.jar to tomcat-x.x.xx\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib and modify your by adding your service.jar as portal-dependency-jar

1.When modifying your service you have to copy a new service-jar to your application server and restart it
2. Each portlet using your your service will have a seperate service-instance

Download sample:
Mirror 0
Mirror 1
Mirror 2